南街奇遇 Pickup on South Street

南街奇遇 Pickup on South Street, 1953

8.2 1953.05.29上映
美國 英語 驚悚,黑色電影 80 分鐘 / Spain: 75 分鐘(DVD)
美國B級片教父塞繆爾·富勒作品,1953年第18屆威尼斯電影節銅獅獎,是關於小偷、愛情、國家機密和暴力的故事。 On a crowded subway, Skip McCoy picks the purse of Candy. Among his take, although he does not know it at the time, is a piece of top-secret microfilm that was being passed by Candy's consort, a Communist agent. Candy discovers the whereabouts of the film through Moe Williams, a police informer. She attempts to seduce McCo...